In so boss at jungle run if it was two player not even chuck Norris could beat me
In so boss at jungle run if it was two player not even chuck Norris could beat me
Tnx to my class mate I finally addicted to a game
Its hard to control the player. Not fun like Jetpack was.
Hard to controll!
This is a total copy of jetpack joyride Its hard to control the vehicles and.... Theres no fun in it so maybe DELETE IT cause we already have jetpack joyride
Its way to hard to control the vehicles to have a game last very long. You might as well get jet pack joyride instead
It wasnt very easy because I find that the 250m on a bike thing is never going to happen because of the missiles its pretty easy besides that
I like this game its easy and fun
I this game because its rlly fun but it is also very easy and I love compleating missions:)
I hate that game
To easy but fun
Fun but need a bigger screen on my phone
Quite exciting game very addictive
Its totally a copy of jetpack joyride but has 50000 times worse graphics. If you actually like the game then delete it and get jetpack joyride, its 50 times better.
Great app!!!! Just too repetitive.
This game is a very very poor ripoff of the game Jetpack Joyride. Shame on this developer.
This game is a very poor ripoff of jetpack joyride. If you think that this isnt horrible, get jetpack joyride. 110% better than this.
Hate the adviser ments they always come up every time u lose a game!!!!
One thing to add... A PAUSE button.
Buon gioco ;)